SiS Bytes, Wednesday, Mar. 27, 2024

I’m having quite a difficult time coming to grips that March is almost over. ALREADY. My birthday was a month ago today, but I swear, it feels like it was just a couple of days ago. Someone needs to slow time down just a tad…

Today has been another one of those days that have completely gotten away from me. I’ve been immersing myself (voluntarily, and probably to my own detriment) in SharePoint, and now, Lists.

Yep, LISTS. Who knew that Microsoft had a WHOLE THING around lists? Well, I do, NOW… 😅

I really need to find some decent training on pretty much the whole Microsoft 365 environment. There’s LOADS of stuff for me to learn about that I don’t even know exists. If anyone has some good leads on training, please feel free to pass them my way. I wish I had a dummy SharePoint site that I can work from, and poke and beat it up to my heart’s content, without messing up our group one that I created. It could serve as a staging area of sorts for me to try things out before moving them “into production”, so to speak. Plus, like I am with my blog, I am NEVER satisfied with the look, and always wanting to tweak things around.

MacBook Air update: nope, it’s still not here yet. Supposedly, it’s been shipped and expected to arrive by April 1 for me to pick up. My brain tells me that’s SOOOOOOOO FAR AWAY, but the calendar tells me that is next week, like literally FIVE DAYS AWAY. Since I’m counting work days, the weekend doesn’t count, so it’s basically tomorrow, then Friday, and then COMPUTER DAY. 😁

Of course, it could be a very sick April Fool’s Day joke from Apple…

Okay, I’ve still got some work left to do, and I still haven’t even edited my outfit pictures from this morning. I’m hoping they turn out. It was raining quite a bit this morning, and I decided to do something different: take them with my umbrella in hand. It sure was interesting trying to take the pictures with an umbrella in one hand, and the camera remote in the other, trying to swap them around, and make it look like I wasn’t even holding one…. We shall see.

Until next time…



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