SiS Bytes: Thursday, Apr. 4, 2024

Happy Friday-eve, everyone! One more day to go…

I’ve recently received notification that it’s time to do a self-evaluation for the annual employee performance blah-blah. Anyone else dread this time of year like I do? I always feel like I haven’t done anything worthy to justify a positive rating. Also, it’s always been said to document things of importance throughout the year for this specific event (who are these folks who say things like this, anyway?). However, those of us who may be like me, what if you feel like there’s nothing of real importance that could/should have been documented? Granted, I’ve never had a negative evaluation before, but that doesn’t mean I don’t dread it still. I’m a pessimist, duh…

I sure hope that I didn’t JUST now jinx things by saying that, and ending up with a negative review…

Soooooo, I’ll have to agonize over this for a few hours while I try to think of things that could possibly/sort of be important enough. We ARE our own worst critics, after all…

I’ve noticed that while trying to write this particular blog post, I really, REALLY need to focus on one thing at a time. I am truly no longer able to multitask. I was listening to a podcast episode while trying to write at the same time, and yeah, the writing wasn’t happening. I just can’t split my concentration anymore. That’s a bummer. I used to take pride in being able to start a conversation with someone while typing an email to someone else at the same time. Now? HAHAHAHAHA, no.

Where’s all of the good things that are supposed to happen as we age? People have always called it the “golden years”, but what’s so golden about it??

Over and out.



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