SiS Bytes: Monday, Apr. 8, 2024

Happy Monday, or Eclipse Day, for us U.S. folks! While we did not get full, 100% coverage, we did manage to get 86% coverage. HOWEVER, the clouds rolled in precisely around the peak time, so the sun was completely obscured at that peak time. I did manage to get one picture taken while it was partially obscured, and didn’t need to have a filter.

It also took a LOT of finagling and fumbling around, but I also took one with the glasses filter over my camera lens.

The next eclipse like that isn’t supposed to come around again our area for 20 years or so, so who knows if I’ll be around to see the next one. I’m still holding out for someone to invent immortality, so let’s make that happen…

I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic the last few days, so I’ve been listening to my “Yacht Rock radio” playlist on Apple Music.


If you’ve not heard the term before, it’s been defined as soft rock from the late 70s/early 80s. A lot of the songs from that time were centered around sailing, or what one might imagine they would listen to if they were out sailing the calm seas, dressed in their naval captain’s attire, corncob pipe in mouth, telling people to call you “Commodore”. 😂


There’s one song in particular that was playing this morning, that for some reason, always seems to resonate with me, in an indescribable way. The song is “Cool Change” by Little River Band (see, even many of the band names at the time say “yacht rock”, LOL). More specifically, there’s one particular verse that REALLY touches my soul, and I haven’t the faintest idea why:

Well, I was born in the sign of water

And it’s there that I feel my best

The albatross and the whales they are my brothers

I’m pretty sure that I was born in the water sign (Pisces), or at least I THINK that’s a water sign. But what gets me is that I’m deathly afraid of the water. Sure, I can certainly picture myself sailing the smooth seas all alone, but in reality? HAHAHA, NO.

Soooo, this song rather confounds me. I’m guessing that this song isn’t speaking to me in the literal sense, so what, then? The song is quite literally about sailing and being one with the ocean, so what meaning is there for me?


It’s really a great song, I’d recommend giving it a listen. Sometimes I think that a therapist would get such a kick out of trying to figure out the enigma that is me. 😂

I was going to switch gears in this post and talk about something related to cybersecurity, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it was I wanted to share, nor can I find the article that I wanted to talk about to jog my memory. 🤦🏻‍♂️🙈

I guess that’s all for today!

– T


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