SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2024

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…

And again, and again, AND AGAIN…

Time is such a fickle thing. While yesterday seemed to fly by, I feel like I was just as busy today, and it’s been CRAWLING. It feels like it should be Thursday by now. What’s up with that, time? Hmm??

At least it’s been a very productive day. Wow, it took me THREE tries to type that last sentence. My fingers are NOT working today. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Touching on the book-writing front for a moment (because when am I NOT thinking about it, or complaining about it to all of you, LOL), I envy those folks who can pull ideas out of thin air. They could be walking along, see a bird and then think of some elaborate story to tell from a strange-colored feather on that particular bird. Or, they can be sitting in a coffee shop, staring blankly into space, and be suddenly struck with inspiration.

It’s just not fair, I tell ya.

Can someone please come by, crack open my head, and reconnect the wires that seem to have become unplugged between my left-brain with my right-brain? Maybe it’s also why I have such a hard time reading books. I can’t visualize settings and characters unless it’s something I’ve seen before. So, the few times I’ve read (or attempted to read) a book, they’ve have movies made from them so I can envision the characters and setting.

I think it’s because I also suffer from a major case of impostor syndrome. It doesn’t matter what it entails (tech, security, fashion, video games, whatever), I will always feel like I’m way out of my element and in over my head to be able to say or do pretty much anything with any kind of certainty or authority.

Anyone want to take in a lost soul? 😂

Currently through episode four (of eight) of Fallout. I am really, REALLY liking the show, and I’m going to be very sad once I finish all the episodes. It sure does have some moments of gore that will make you 😳🤨😮, but laugh at the same time. It’s a great balance. The main protagonist Lucy is both beautifully badass and naive at the same time. It’s fantastic.

Okay, that’s enough rambling for today. I still have yet to edit pictures, and I still have some more actual work-type stuff to take care of before I leave.

Until next time!



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