SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Apr. 23, 2024

Hey all! 👋🏼

I’ve been working remotely today, as I had an in-person meeting to attend in the middle of the day. It made much more sense to do that than to trek to the parking garage, take the shuttle to work, take the shuttle back to the garage to attend the meeting, go BACK to the garage, BACK to work, and then do it again to go home. That would be just silly. Even though I’m sitting here typing this from a rather noisy-ish coffee shop, I feel like I’ve been much more productive today than I would have been if I had gone in to the office. Additionally, it allowed me to visit a few more of the local Starbucks than I normally go to, one before the meeting, and a different one afterwards. 😂

Obviously, because I didn’t go to work physically today, I didn’t take any outfit pictures. I am rather tempted to wear the same thing to work tomorrow, though. While I did see some people I know today at the meeting, I didn’t see any of my work colleagues there, so that counts, right? No one (but me) will know that I wore the same thing two days in a row. 😅 Besides, this outfit is MUCH better than yesterday’s, even if it is similar in style.

I haven’t mentioned it in a minute, but the book-writing bug has still been biting at me. I had a suggestion from a friend of mine earlier today regarding something I could possibly write about:


I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it. It was suggested that I write about my thought-processes (aka ‘overthinking’ and ‘overanalyzing’, LOL). The pros and cons of it. How it affects my own life.

My own initial reactions to this were quite a bit surprising indeed:

  • Why on earth did I (an empathic person) not think of writing about EMPATHY? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • What on earth would I say about it to fill a book?
  • Why did I not think about the possibility to turn the focus of a story inwards on myself, and would it be something that others would read (assuming I could figure out enough about myself to write)?

Also, it seems weird to me how people can seem to have insights to you, or know more about you than you know yourself?


Guess I should give up that private pipe dream to study Psychology, and learn more about how people work and behave… 😂



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