SiS Bytes: Friday, May 3, 2024


Hey all! Happy Friday! 😊

Being that I was working from home the majority of this week, I don’t feel like an outfit recap is necessary. Also, since I was also recovering most of said time, I’m pretty much grateful for pain meds this week, so there’s no real need for a gratitude list this week either. 😂

Things are still a little bit sore and swollen, so I’ll obviously be taking it easy (even easier than usual) this weekend. It sure will be swell to be able to chew and eat real foods again. I guess I’m glad that most of what I like to eat anyway are already soft foods. 😉

I may do a little bit of research on what the next steps should be in the book writing process (after the ‘coming up with an idea’ part). My friend Dr. Jessica Barker (LinkedIn) has also recently released a second book a few days ago here in the states, and I’m looking forward to reading it. You can read about it here:

I’m very excited to read this. Even though what I want to write about is not even related to this, I’m hoping that maybe it will help give me some ideas/inspiration for my own process.

Okay, it’s time for me to go take some more pain meds. Have a great weekend!



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