Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 3 – 7, 2024

Hey all, happy Friday!! 🥳

While it’s been a rather short week for me, it’s been rather busy and kind of chaotic, especially today (Friday). It’s been like a freaking madhouse today. Can’t wait to put it behind me, that’s for sure!

Two days this week I was attending a conference down in Richmond: RVASec 2024. It’s a local security conference, where people who attend are mostly from the Virginia and surrounding area, though I did overhear someone who was speaking hailed from CANADA, and it was their first time attending as well as speaking. That was really neat to learn. There were a lot of informative and entertaining sessions. Personally, I tried to avoid the really technical sessions, as they are way over my head, and I’ve learned long ago that I’m not destined for the technical side of cybersecurity. I attended the lighter sessions, geared towards more of the business and/or human aspects of the field. There was also an amazingly fun after party the first night, which was CASINO themed! There were blackjack and craps tables, a roulette wheel, putting green, even a “horse race” to “bet” on. No real money changed hands. It was a bit of a blast, but my inner introvert started to get a little overwhelmed, so I had to recuse myself to an empty table or corner of the room to escape all of the people ‘people-ing’. You introverts know what I mean. 🙃

On Thursday, I had a follow up doctor’s appointment for my ankle, as it has been just shy of six months since fracturing it and tearing a ligament in it, and I felt like I was just not getting any better. We reviewed my x-rays and MRI scans, and helped to better explain what was torn, what was inflamed, and why I was hurting like I am. While there really wasn’t anything that could be done, they did outfit me with a lace up brace to wear, and are referring me to physical therapy. The brace seems to help quite a bit when I’m walking, as it helps to stabilize my ankle. It seems that my body has unconsciously altered my gait because of my injury, which was causing additional pain when I walk. They also suggested that once I finish PT, I make an appointment with a surgeon about six weeks later to review any progress, and whether or not something can be done if I’m not healing. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏼

Onto this week’s gratitude list!

Finally, here’s a look at what I wore to work this week, except for Tuesday and Wednesday, when I was in attendance of the conference. Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

June 3


June 6


June 7



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