SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Jun, 18, 2024

Hey all! No, I haven’t forgotten about these kinds of posts. I just really haven’t felt like I had much to say about anything. I still sort of feel that way, but thought I would at least try to put one together…

Yesterday was day one of physical therapy for my ankle. I have never done physical therapy for any kind of injury before, so this was a new experience for me. The people at this particular place were super nice, which I feel is very important. Who’s going to want to come back to a place where you’re treated rotten? The exercises I had to do were a bit challenging at times. I really enjoyed the massage and heat treatment parts. 😁 I actually left there feeling like my ankle was a bit improved, which I felt was pretty amazing, considering it was only an hour long. My ankle was a little tender that night, and less so today, but I still felt like things have improved. I felt like I was walking better, and without pain. If this is a result of just a single treatment, how good are things going to be after about six weeks?? They want to see me twice a week, so we’ll see how things go. Fingers crossed!

Tomorrow is a holiday for us (Juneteenth), so no work for me. It’s nice to have a day off in the middle of the week; it helps break things up a bit. I had almost completely forgotten about it until a coworker reminded me of it earlier. Otherwise, I probably would have shown up to work, and wondered where everyone else was. 😂

Work still continues to be busy, but I am very thankful that it’s not a bad kind of busy. Our director is keeping my plate very full, and I really have been enjoying it. I don’t even mind that a lot of is isn’t even security related. In fact, I’m headed up to DC next week for a day to attend a conference/summit about storage hosted by Amazon. It’s going to be a LOOOOOOOONG day, but I’m very much looking forward to it. This is a whole new realm that I’ve never had any experience in, so hopefully I won’t be too overwhelmed! 🤞🏼

Lately, I’ve also been spending an inordinate amount of time in the Microsoft 365 world, namely SharePoint. It’s very WordPress-like, and for some reason, I really enjoy digging into it and playing around. Just like with my blog, I am perpetually never satisfied with how our technician portal looks, so I’m always tweaking this, or experimenting with that. Thankfully the response has been very positive.

Okay, I think that’s enough for now. “Always leave ’em wanting more,” right? 😂



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