Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – June 24 – 28, 2024

Yay, hello Friday! 😁

Who’s ready for the weekend? Hands up!

This week for me has been a very interesting one. It was VERY busy, very tiring, VERY short work-wise, but all in all, very enjoyable.

Monday and Tuesday were spent helping my son move into his new apartment. It was a little room, but was packed full of stuff. Also, it was on the top floor of the apartment, which meant having to climb stairs. Up and down. Up and down.

UP and DOWN.

The new apartment was also on the top floor, but thankfully the building was only two floors. My ankle was a very unhappy camper those nights, let me tell ya.

Wednesday, I attended an AWS (Amazon Web Services) conference/summit up in Washington DC for the day. I had to get up BEFORE the crack of dawn to head up there to be there by the time it started. I didn’t end up returning home until around 11 that night, and was caught in many thunderstorms along the way.

The conference area was MASSIVE, and there easily were thousands of people there. I had never attended a conference quite that large, but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. So much so, in fact, that I’m considering taking training to learn more about AWS and how where I work might be able to utilize it and offer options for researchers to store data. Apparently, Amazon hosts a lot of training and certification options for it, and most of the training is FREE, which is my kind of price!

The ankle wasn’t happy that night either, but happier than it was when moving. I had NO trouble sleeping though! 😂

Question for other bloggers: which is better to use, tags or categories? I kind of feel like they both serve the same function. If anyone can help me out, that’d be great!

Cut over to what I was grateful for this week.

Gratitude List - 6.28.2024

Finally, here’s a look at what I wore to work on my whole TWO actual days at work. Sorry, no conference OOTD!

Have a great weekend!

June 27


June 28



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