Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: July 1-5, 2024


Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday! 🥳

I hope you all had a good week. For me, the week has been relatively low on the chaos meter. The work-world was only slightly burning this week, so I’m counting that as a win. It also helped to have a holiday on Thursday to help break things up, though I do wish we could have also had Friday off as well. Luckily, it was a work-remote day for me, so I’ll take it!

Physical therapy was particularly challenging today. My ankle has been giving me a bit of grief lately, especially when I’m lying down and not even using it. It’s painful to rotate, sometimes popping, which REALLY hurts. The therapist today had me do some different exercises, which hopefully will help in putting my entire weight on that foot, as well as help to give me better balance. I’m about as steady as a house of cards next to a fan when standing on my injured ankle. 🤣 I was actually sweating after leaving today’s session, which I feel like was a very good thing. Overall, I like to think that I’m improving little by little, but because I’m also a pessimist by nature, I feel that I will possibly need surgery as well to fully fix what’s wrong. A bit of an optessimist, then? 😉

This is a decent segue into my gratitude list for this week, as you’ll see why! Check it:

Gratitude List - 7.5.2024

In the work world, things have certainly been gearing up for me. I’m preparing to head to Norfolk, VA next month to attend the SANS Security Awareness summit for the second year in a row, and I am BEYOND excited to attend, and see so many of the people I met last year in Las Vegas. I have another, smaller security conference set in my sights in October for higher education and government institutions in Virginia. Lastly, I’m also working on taking some Amazon (EVERY time I type that, I always put a ‘g’ on the end, and have NO idea why…) AWS training. After attending the free AWS summit hosted by Amazon in DC last week, I’ve been very intrigued and interested in learning more about it, to see whether it is something that we could utilize in the school to assist researchers with storage and computational needs.

I’m also noticing that as I am being exposed to more and more things, my career interests are starting to expand a bit beyond just the cybersecurity awareness/culture realm, and more encompassing into what I feel like is operational in nature. I’m looking to get into more of helping to make decisions and plan for the future, and working with the director and senior leadership, and cybersecurity culture absolutely falls under that umbrella. To use a cybersecurity-related phrase, I’m … expanding in scope. 😉

Okay, enough of that. Here’s a look back at what I wore to work the first three days of the week, since I was off Thursday, and working remotely today. I hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful weekend!

July 1


July 2


July 3



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