Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: August 12 – 16, 2024

Hey all, and thank goodness it’s Friday. I’m more than ready to put this week out of its misery. I’m grateful to have had a remote work day this week, which helped. Work itself hasn’t been anything too crazy or chaotic, but the week for me has just been .. weird. The other day, someone or something reached inside of my head and flipped the “impostor syndrome” switch, basically making me feel like I should crawl under a rock and stay there. I was able to snap out of it yesterday, but sadly today, a different switch was flipped where I have felt very fed-up, and in an I-don’t-want-to-people-today kind of mood. I’ve spent the day holed up in my office with the door closed, and avoided as much contact as possible. Apparently it was so effective, most of my coworkers thought I wasn’t even at work today. On the plus (-ish) side, I was able to get in some really good Amazon Web Services training to help prep me for the Certified Cloud Practitioner certification exam. I had since finished the course on LinkedIn, and went to Amazon’s training site to try out a practice test.

Sooooo, I didn’t do so good on that… Out of twenty questions, I got a whole TWO correct. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Since I was already there, I’ve spent my time going through Amazon’s own training, to see if it will better help me. So far, so good. Depending on how it goes, I may look to see about paying for a subscription to their training, as it gives access to many more practice tests, as well as access to labs and virtual setups to play around on. Depending on what’s there, it may even help me better run and manage my own blog instance here on AWS. Win-win.

In ankle news, I’m pleased to report that things have been improving greatly, very much to my (and apparently, my therapist’s, lol) surprise. I had an appointment on Tuesday this week, and he gave the okay to schedule my next appointment two weeks later. I just might be coming to an end with it, and I’m happy that it’s been very helpful. If you haven’t seen my recent outfit posts on my Instagram (if not, you’ll see them here), I have recovered enough to the point where I have been able to see the return of my signature jump poses, with only slight pain if I perform them incorrectly. I honestly thought I would never be able to bring them back. That’s what I get for being a pessimist…

Let’s move on to my list of gratitude for this week. Because it’s been a strange week for me, it’s a bit all over the place, including the day where my switch was flipped, and I honestly couldn’t think of anything to be grateful for…

Gratitude List – 8.16.2024

Gratitude List - 8.16.2024

Lastly, here’s a look at what I wore to work this week, save for my remote work day. After this week, I think I am learning to love the idea of working away from the office more and more.

Since I’m on my own hosted platform and my own WordPress instance, I have the freedom to play around with things a bit more. I found an interesting Flickr plugin that I’m testing out this week to showcase my outfit pictures for each day. Let’s give it a whirl…

Have a wonderful, safe, relaxing, and resetting weekend!

August 12

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August 14

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August 15

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August 16

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