Twenty Questions: Fashion/Style Edition – Lisa Taylor of Prints and Pinots

Hey all!

Time for another edition of “twenty questions”!

If you’re not familiar with how this works, I reach out to a blogger, content creator, business professional, etc. that reside within my realms of interest: fashion and style, and cybersecurity and InfoSec. I ask them twenty questions to get to know them, and their areas of interest better, and then I share what I learn with you. It’s a great way to network, and learn more about people.

Ready to dive in?

One professional, twenty questions. Let’s do it!

Name: Prints And Pinots – Lisa Taylor

Where can you be found on the internet: On Instagram and Facebook as Printsandpinots 

Personal Style & Inspiration

1. How would you describe your personal style in three words?
Chic / Classic / Trendsetter 

2. What inspired you to dive into the world of fashion and style content creation?
After spending 27 years in the military I had amassed a large amount of beautiful clothes that I seldom had the opportunity to wear so after I retired in 2015, I started photographing myself in my beautiful clothes and then it all just sort of took off. 

3. Who or what has been your biggest influence in developing your personal style?
I grew up watching the Sonny & Cher Show on television. As a young girl I was fascinated with Cher and her glamorous outfits created by the amazing Bob Mackie. I believe that my fashion sense grew from that. The 70’s had that Boho vibe as well and I feel like that is also very present in how I style things to this day. 

4. What’s the story behind the name or concept of your brand?
I love fabulous prints ie: Missoni, DVF, Versace and I love pinot noir so there ya go. 

5. How do you stay true to your style while experimenting with new trends?
I try new trends in moderation, incorporating things into my style that work for my body and lifestyle. 

Fashion Content Creation

6. What motivated you to start creating fashion content, and how did you take the first step?
The motivation came from having all these great clothes as I stated above. Once I retired from the military I had more opportunity to really stretch my creative muscle and put together outfits that not only worked in my real life, but that felt fresh and new to me. Mixing prints and putting colors together that I didn’t see often, but for me, should have always been together. I started slowly at first as I’ve never really felt comfortable in front of the camera. It takes time, and A LOT of goofy photos to figure out angles that work for the camera and backgrounds that photograph well. I think the first step is to just know that you may flail a bit, but after a while you’ll feel more confident and your photos will reflect that. 

7. Can you share how you balance building your brand with your other responsibilities?
This question doesn’t really apply to me. I’m fully retired and have no children. My responsibilities are to my husband and my dog. 

8. Do you have a daytime job outside of fashion? If so, how does it influence your content?

9. What has been the most rewarding part of being a fashion content creator?
Getting to wear amazing clothes everyday and getting to help style all my girlfriends.

10. What’s a piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting their fashion journey?
Be yourself. Wear clothes / outfits that make you feel confident, sexy, and most of all, comfortable. 

Brand & Business

11. How did you come up with your brand identity, and what does it mean to you?
To be honest, my first choice was Machine Guns and Manolos because it really fit my background, but the algorithm didn’t like the guns part very much and kept putting my stuff in front of the wrong people. I then chose Prints and Pinots simply because they are two of my favorite things. 

12. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned in growing your personal brand?
Learning how the business side of content creation works was the biggest lesson for me. So many people think that it’s just you taking a bunch of pretty pictures but there is so much more that goes into it. From learning how to monetize your content to figuring out how to build a website, write a blog, edit photos, videos, etc, there is much to learn. I’m still figuring things out 9 years later. 

13. How do you approach collaborations or partnerships to align them with your brand vision?
I travel a lot so when I do my approach is always about what I can bring to the table as far as content for them. 

14. Are there any tools, apps, or resources you use to manage your brand and content creation?

Style Tips & Shopping

15. What’s a fashion tip you swear by for looking effortlessly stylish? 
Wear what makes you feel confident and beautiful. 

16. What’s a wardrobe essential you believe everyone should own?
A great fitting blazer! 

17. Do you prefer investing in luxury pieces or finding great affordable options?
I do both. Typically I shop for high end accessories as opposed to clothing. 

18. Do you enjoy thrift shopping or sustainable fashion? What’s your most memorable find?
Yes, I found a beautiful baroque clutch at a small vintage shop in Milan. I love her. 

Fun & Personal Touch

19. If you could swap closets with any celebrity or influencer, who would it be and why?

20. What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day of creating or working?
A glass of champagne with my husband or a girlfriend.

And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed it. If you know someone who should be featured, or if you would like to be featured, please feel free to reach out at:


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