Ask Me Stuff

Here, I’ll post answers to questions that I may receive from you, the viewing audience.

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Latest Posts

  • My Week of Gratitude – October 2 – 6, 2023

    Hey folks! We’ve finally arrived at Friday once again, and it’s time for the weekend. I hope you’re ready for it like I am! 😁 I’ll confess, this week, I REALLY had to struggle to find things to be grateful for. For a while, I’ve been under the impression that my allergies have really been…

  • Take it Slow

    It’s weird when I will suddenly be hit with inspiration of something to write about. What makes it weird is that I am RARELY struck with inspiration, but when it does strike, it kind of sticks in my craw until I release it. If you have followed me on LinkedIn for a while, you’ll probably…

  • My Week of Gratitude: September 25 – 29, 2023

    Happy Friday, everyone! 😊 I hope you all had a great week. It’s been a bit of a crazy one for me since coming back from a long weekend. I leave for a few days, and things just go downhill while I’m gone… What’s up with that? 😂 It’s been a bit of a chore…