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Here, I’ll post answers to questions that I may receive from you, the viewing audience.

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Latest Posts

  • Thoughts About Feeling Valid

    Thoughts About Feeling Valid

    BREAKING NEWS: I am an emotional person. I’m an empath. I’ve noticed that as I grow older, I become more and more emotional and empathic. Seeing things that invoke emotions where people are crying or doing something touching, will invariably have my teary-eyed, or outright crying. Seeing images or videos of people physically hurt immediately…

  • Support: Nope, No Clever Titles for This One

    Support: Nope, No Clever Titles for This One

    Today, I am truly a believer that a spark of creativity can be ignited from ANYTHING. Yep, seriously! What sold me on it? A simple sentence I received in a DM from someone. “Did you get your creativity back yet?” Yep, that’s it. If you follow me on other social media, you’re likely aware that…

  • Some Thoughts for the New Year…

    Some Thoughts for the New Year…

    Hey everyone! Yes, I’m still out here. I have just been off of work since the 9th of December until the new year. It’s been my hope and intention to use this time off to rest, relax, recharge, and hopefully rediscover my creativity and passion. I’ll be back at it come the new year, once…