Author: Secure, In Style

  • Apologetically Me

    Nope, that’s not a typo. Quite some time ago, I wrote an introduction about myself, to tell “my story”. But, after a VERY long flight (from an AMAZING conference), long drive back home, and a VERY long sleepless night, the brain really starts to do a number on you. Sooooo,…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: August 14 – 18, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: August 14 – 18, 2023

    We’re at Friday once again, everyone! 🥳 It’s especially great for me, as I am off work for the entire week. I could not be more excited for it. I’ll be headed to FABULOUS LAS VEGAS to attend the SANS Security Awareness Summit, and I have been looking forward to…

  • My Week of Gratitude: August 14 – 18, 2023

    Hey everyone! Happy Friday! 😊 Guess what?? It’s time for another week of gratitude (what, did you think I was going to share something new and/or juicy? 😅)! I won’t be posting anything next week, as I will be off work for the whole entire week! I’ll be back the…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: August 7 – 11, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: August 7 – 11, 2023

    Hey everyone! It’s Friday! 🥳 It’s time for the weekend, and for me, it brings me one step closer to heading out of town the week after next. The destination? VEGAS, baby 😊 I’m actually headed there for the SANS Security Awareness Summit on the 24th and 25th, but why…

  • My Week of Gratitude – August 7 – 11, 2023

    Hey everyone, and happy Friday to you .. 🥳 Yes, it’s once again time for my weekly gratitude list. I’ll confess that I need to set a reminder for myself each day to stop and list something that I’m grateful for. Admittedly, some days, things are so busy, that I…

  • Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: July 31 – August 4, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: July 31 – August 4, 2023

    It’s finally Friday, everyone. This is probably one of those weeks where I am even more so grateful that the weekend is finally here, as opposed to most other weeks. Long story short, I had applied for a couple of positions over the last few weeks, only to find out…

  • My Week of Gratitude: July 31 – August 4, 2023

    It’s FINALLY Friday, and that means that it’s time for me to share my weekly gratitude list. Sadly, I received bad news on a couple of fronts this week, so I’m grateful for some of the very small things this week that kind of helped me through. I hope you…

  • Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: July 24 – 26, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: July 24 – 26, 2023

    Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you all had a great week, and are ready to head into the weekend. It was a very short week for me, as I took Thursday and Friday off to attend (and subsequently recover, LOL) a concert out of town. Heading back into my youth…

  • My Week of Gratitude – July 24 – 28, 2023

    It’s Friday! 😁 I’m writing this post ahead of time, as I am was off Thursday and Friday to attend and recover from a concert out of town. I’m quite confident that I had a wonderful time as well! Here’s what I’m grateful for this week. I’d love to make…

  • Growth – A Never-Ending Discovery

    Growth – A Never-Ending Discovery

    As I was writing this, I wasn’t entirely sure if I was going to post this publicly, or keep it private, as a means to try and get things from my head and onto “paper”, so to speak. My “no duh” revelation I’ve had recently (-ish)? I’m empathic. This is…