Author: Secure, In Style

  • Some Thoughts for the New Year…

    Some Thoughts for the New Year…

    Hey everyone! Yes, I’m still out here. I have just been off of work since the 9th of December until the new year. It’s been my hope and intention to use this time off to rest, relax, recharge, and hopefully rediscover my creativity and passion. I’ll be back at it…

  • Musings and Deep Thoughts Re: Twitter

    Musings and Deep Thoughts Re: Twitter

    I’ll likely post these deep thoughts here on my blog as well as they come to me. I feel like my creativity is slowly coming back, having been using Mastodon (a Twitter-like alternative) for over a week now. I have to remind myself that Mastodon isn’t Twitter. Not everyone that…

  • It’s Been a Minute.

    It’s Been a Minute.

    Hey everyone 👋🏼 Yes, it’s been a few minutes since I’ve posted something on here. I’ve been active, just not really actively posting. My bad! You may have heard a little something about this one social media site being purchased by some super-rich person. If you haven’t heard about it,…

  • Reflection Time …

    Reflection Time …

    Today has been an interesting day of reflection.  Learning new things …Seeing new ways of viewing things … What did I learn today? ✅ – The “pink tax”Honestly, this was something I was vaguely aware of, but today, it became crystal clear how much of a thing this is. If…

  • Be Well … Rounded.

    Be Well … Rounded.

    An introspective… When I started using LinkedIn in a more regular and serious way, I originally thought I would be using it to connect with all of the many tech, cybersecurity, and awareness folks out there, as I (STILL) continue on my quest to get into the field. Turns out,…

  • Introspective: Mindfulness

    Introspective: Mindfulness

    Mindfulness. What a simple word. You know what I’ve noticed about it? It’s a powerful word. This word has been buzzing around in my brain for days now. For those that who follow me on here or Twitter, know that I’m quite the fan of Perry Carpenter and his podcast, “8th Layer…

  • It’s All About Consent …

    It’s All About Consent …

    I’ve been seeing this become more and more frequent lately, and needs addressing… It’s no surprise that we are living in an age where people want to post any- and everything on social media. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. HOWEVER, make sure you obtain permission of people you…

  • Some Food for Thought…

    Some Food for Thought…

    I keep forgetting that it’s totally okay for me to share content that I wrote across my various social media. That way, it’s seen by more eyes. That said, I originally wrote and shared this on my LinkedIn profile… Perry Carpenter‘s “8th Layer Insights” podcast never ceases to challenge me…

  • Redact, Redact, Redact!

    Redact, Redact, Redact!

    I’m back… Well, kind of. I’m still not entirely sure if I’m “back” or not. I’m still not in the best place, but I need to try and do something that maybe helps keep my mind off of just stewing over things constantly. While listening to the newest episode of…

  • Ask Me: What’s Going On?

    Ask Me: What’s Going On?

    I haven’t forgotten that I have a blog. I also haven’t forgotten that there are people out there that follow it. I’ve just taken a step back out of posting on social media, and more of blending into the crowd. Why? To partially quote what I last wrote on LinkedIn…