Author: Secure, In Style

  • Lock Your Screen!

    Lock Your Screen!

    I’m sure a lot of you out there at work sometimes walk away from your computer, and either forget (or don’t care) to lock your computer when stepping away. Don’t lie, I know you do. Yes, you. Over there. No, not you. YOU. ☺️ I’ll admit that even I’m guilty…

  • Forwarding Emails? Be Sure to Not Include Sensitive Info!

    Forwarding Emails? Be Sure to Not Include Sensitive Info!

    I had been meaning to write about this for a few days now. I’ve been trying to become someone who is more security-conscious, and to see everyday life with a different set of eyes. One day last week, this fell right into my lap, and before, I never would have…

  • Ask Me: What’s My Story?

    Ask Me: What’s My Story?

    I’ve had a lot of new followers over the last few months/ years, and I’ve been asked many times, and in numerous ways: What’s your story? What IS my story….? I never really know quite how to answer this question, because I’m not always sure exactly what the person is…

  • Be Wary of the QR Code!

    Have you seen these before? You’ve probably seen them on social media, or in restaurants, markets, taped to the walls or on telephone poles, pretty much everywhere you go. Likely by now, you know the drill: whip out your smartphone, open up the camera app, and scan the code to…

  • Be EXTREMELY Careful About What You Share On Social Media

    I just came across this TikTok video in my LinkedIn feed, and it’s quite scary how simple this is. The person in the video used a PICTURE of a key to have a replica made. Most people tend to not be aware of just HOW MUCH information a smartphone can…

  • Ask Me: Having Trouble Remembering Passwords?

    Hey, everyone! Yes, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted something on my blog that wasn’t related to what I was wearing. I bet you all forgot that I did other things on here, huh? LOL Anyway… For those that know me, I have been VERY interested at getting…

  • Ask Me: What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

    Hey everyone! It’s time for another “ask me” post. If you’re new, welcome! Allow me to explain a bit… It is my hope that I can help explain things related to cyber and information security (or InfoSec) to non-technical, everyday people. I don’t want these to be long, lengthy, drawn-out…

  • Ask Me: What is Ransomware?

    Hey everyone! It’s time for another “ask me” post. If you’re new, welcome! Allow me to explain a bit… It is my hope that I can help explain things related to cyber and information security (or InfoSec) to non-technical, everyday people. I don’t want these to be long, lengthy, drawn-out…

  • Ask Me: What is ‘Social Engineering’?

    Hi everyone. This post is hopefully the first in a series that I would like to do. As I make my journey into the cyber/information security field, I am called towards the awareness and education side of things. I hope that I can help explain things related to cyber and…

  • A Little Update…

    Hi all, Yes, I am still alive. Things are, and have been, rather crazy for me, both personally and professionally. So much so, that I didn’t have the time or the inclination to post to my blog or social media. While taking a break from the IT- and style-related blogging…