Author: Secure, In Style

  • SiS Bytes: Monday, Mar. 11, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Monday, Mar. 11, 2024

    Happy Monday. The first Monday after the start of daylight savings… Or, is it the end of daylight savings? I can never keep that straight. Whichever one it is, it’s the one where folks lose an hour of sleep, and everyone is tired and cranky because they’ve lost an hour…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 4 – 7, 2024

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 4 – 7, 2024

    Hey all! 👋🏼 No, I haven’t mixed up my days. Today is my Friday, as I am off tomorrow. This week is spring break for the university, and us lowly staff receive a whopping ONE day off out of said week. I guess I can’t complain TOO much, but I’m…

  • SiS Bytes: Wednesday, Mar. 6, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Wednesday, Mar. 6, 2024

    Hey all! Happy hump day! 😊 I’m going through my outfit photos as I’m writing this (I am TERRIBLE at multitasking in my old age, *sigh*), and it seems that part of the bottom of my pullover sweater is folded up. I’ve gone through most of the photos, and it…

  • SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2024

    Is it Tuesday? It’s Tuesday, right? Okay, yes, it is Tuesday. 🙃 Jeepers, it’s been another day full of meetings, where one moment it’s 9:30 in the morning, and the next, it’s 3:30 in the afternoon. I only vaguely remember having lunch almost three hours ago (holy cow, THREE HOURS???).…

  • SiS Bytes: Monday, Mar. 4, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Monday, Mar. 4, 2024

    Holy cow, it’s been a busy day today… It’s been going pretty much non-stop today, and it doesn’t even feel like that it’s .. 5:36pm as I write this. Where did the day go? Actually, this whole week is rather crazy for me. It’s going to be meetings galore for…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 1, 2024

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 1, 2024

    Yay, Friday! Happy Friday, everyone! 🎉 It’s rather strange for me. Even though I only worked three days this week, I feel like it took forever for Friday to get here, and at the same time, it doesn’t really FEEL like Friday. Guess I’m in the Twilight Zone or some…

  • SiS Bytes: Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024

    Leap day. This day always has me thinking about Frasier. Okay, A LOT of things has me thinking about Frasier, but this day in particular. I’ll spare everyone from going into detail about the particular episode, so count yourself lucky! 😜 Still haven’t really wrapped my brain around that it’s…

  • SiS Bytes: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

    Forever in my head I say “wed-NESS-day” whenever I type it out… Yeah, methinks my brain is going to be all over the map on this post. So, happy Wed-nes-day! 😜 I’m back from my long weekend of birthday hijinx and shenanigans. No, not really, but I actually DID do…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Outfit Recap: February 19 – 23, 2024

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Outfit Recap: February 19 – 23, 2024

    Happy Friday! I’m especially thankful for this Friday as I’ll be taking a long 4-day weekend for myself. I can spend a few days to just vegetate and do nothing, and I’m beyond thrilled for it. 😁 Oh, and I have some kind of birthday or something as well, but…

  • SiS Bytes – Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024

    SiS Bytes – Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024

    Happy Friday eve! Only one more day to go before I have a very nice four-day weekend. Got a birthday or something going on come Tuesday, so I’ve got to stretch out my time off to incorporate it. It’s like, the law or something. 😅 If you’re not taking off…