Author: Secure, In Style

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: January 2 – 5, 2024

    Hey all! Yes, I am back. You weren’t worried about my return, were you? Well, worry no more, I’m back, ALMOST good as new… Yes, ALMOST. If you don’t follow me across social media anywhere, partly into week number 1 of my 3-week staycation, I fractured my ankle. Merry Christmas…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: December 4 – 8, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: December 4 – 8, 2023

    Hey, everyone! 👋🏼 Happy Friday to you all! It’s the end of the week, and time for the weekend. For me, it’s especially nice, because today, I begin my THREE WEEK staycation. Yes, I did say ‘three weeks’. I am officially off work until after the new year! 🎉 While…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: November 27 – December 1, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: November 27 – December 1, 2023

    Hey everyone! Happy Friday! 👋🏼 It’s time for the weekend, but not only that, today marks the one week countdown until I am off work until the new year. 😁 If you’re new (or new-ish), I tend to take a long vacation (about three weeks) around this time of year,…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: November 20 – 24, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: November 20 – 24, 2023

    Happy Friday, everyone! *whisper* What’s that? *whisper, whisper* Oh, it’s NOT Friday? *checks calendar* .. Oops, you’re right! The calendar says that it’s NOT Friday, but work says otherwise, as we are off the remainder of the week in celebration of the Thanksgiving Day holiday in the U.S. Who am…

  • Weekly Style Recap: November 13 – 17, 2023

    Weekly Style Recap: November 13 – 17, 2023

    Happy Friday to one and all! 😊 It’s been a busy but good week for me this week, which is definitely a change from a busy but BAD week, right? 😅 Any fun and exciting plans for any of you? Nothing fun or exciting for me, as I’m a boring…

  • My Week of Gratitude: November 13 – 17, 2023

    Happy Friday, everyone! 😊 It’s been a relatively good week for me, albeit a little busy. At least it’s been a ‘good’ busy, and not a ‘bad’ one. 😁 A little bit of a confession: I’m kind of considering combining my outfit recap and gratitude list into a single post.…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: November 6 – 10, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: November 6 – 10, 2023

    Happy Friday! It’s just about time to get out of here and fully embrace the weekend. It has been a VERRRRRRRRY busy week for me. I am definitely not complaining, however. My being busy has meant more responsibility and more trust and opportunities to learn at work. It’s nice to…

  • My Week of Gratitude: November 6 – 10, 2023

    Happy Friday, everyone! It’s finally the end of a rather busy and chaotic week for me, and time to settle in to a nice and relaxing weekend. I hope that each one of you had a less busy week than I. Here’s my list of gratitude for this week. Yes,…

  • Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: October 30 – November 3, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: October 30 – November 3, 2023

    Ah, it’s finally Friday. It’s been a rather, well, interesting week for me, and I’m ready to put it behind me. I won’t get into the details of it on here, but if you want to know more, you can read my blog post from yesterday. Here is a look…

  • My Week of Gratitude – October 30 – November 3, 2023

    Happy Friday, everyone. 😊 It’s been a rather, interesting week for me. Lots of life realizations and tribulations abound for me. I’ve talked all about it in a blog post yesterday, which you’re welcome to read if you want to take a trip in my head for a few minutes.…