Category: Thoughts/Opinions

  • Moving Day!

    Moving Day!

    Hello! 👋🏼 You’re likely seeing this after finding out that I have relocated my blog from my old home ( to here.

  • Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: April 8 – 12, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: April 8 – 12, 2024

    Happy Friday!! Time for the weekend! 😁 I was feeling a bit ranty this morning, so if you’ll indulge me for a moment… It’s my blog, so I can rant if I want to… LOL A couple of things struck my nerves this morning… Okay, now that I’ve got it…

  • Some Life Update-Type Stuff

    Some Life Update-Type Stuff

    I’m going to try and get myself back into writing SOMETHING on a daily basis like I used to do. I still have absolutely NO idea how I managed to do it every day before. Apparently, I had a lot to say back then, even though I was simply writing…

  • The Journey of Life

    A little while back, I had posted a couple of things on Threads and Mastodon, as I had discovered or realized them about myself. I had been meaning to do a proper blog post about them, but as it does, life got in the way. I had to take some…

  • Take it Slow

    It’s weird when I will suddenly be hit with inspiration of something to write about. What makes it weird is that I am RARELY struck with inspiration, but when it does strike, it kind of sticks in my craw until I release it. If you have followed me on LinkedIn…

  • Just Do the Damn Thing

    This particular phrase REALLY jumped out at me when I read this on Amanda Scheldt’s “The Glam Techie” blog earlier today. Like me, she had been struggling for a number of years about what to post on her blog, life getting in the way, or whether to just let it…

  • Apologetically Me

    Nope, that’s not a typo. Quite some time ago, I wrote an introduction about myself, to tell “my story”. But, after a VERY long flight (from an AMAZING conference), long drive back home, and a VERY long sleepless night, the brain really starts to do a number on you. Sooooo,…

  • Growth – A Never-Ending Discovery

    Growth – A Never-Ending Discovery

    As I was writing this, I wasn’t entirely sure if I was going to post this publicly, or keep it private, as a means to try and get things from my head and onto “paper”, so to speak. My “no duh” revelation I’ve had recently (-ish)? I’m empathic. This is…

  • Thoughts About Feeling Valid

    Thoughts About Feeling Valid

    BREAKING NEWS: I am an emotional person. I’m an empath. I’ve noticed that as I grow older, I become more and more emotional and empathic. Seeing things that invoke emotions where people are crying or doing something touching, will invariably have my teary-eyed, or outright crying. Seeing images or videos…

  • Something Gave Me Pause This Morning, and I Just Had to Write About It

    Something Gave Me Pause This Morning, and I Just Had to Write About It

    Something occurred to me this morning, that never really had before. It made me think so much, that I just HAD to write something about it. I was listening to the latest episode of the #HackingHumans podcast with Dave Bittner and Joseph Carrigan on the way to work like everyone does (everyone DOES listen to it,…