Category: Tech

  • SiS Bytes: Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024

    I know, I know. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done one of these. I hadn’t forgotten how to write or anything, but life has been life-ing, and also I just couldn’t come up with anything to write about. So what made today different?  SANS Security Awareness Summit. This…

  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – June 24 – 28, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – June 24 – 28, 2024

    Yay, hello Friday! 😁 Who’s ready for the weekend? Hands up! This week for me has been a very interesting one. It was VERY busy, very tiring, VERY short work-wise, but all in all, very enjoyable. Monday and Tuesday were spent helping my son move into his new apartment. It…

  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 10 – 14, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 10 – 14, 2024

    Happy Friday, all! I hope you all had a good week. It’s been good for me for the most part, but I’ll admit that I was feeling a bit ‘meh’ yesterday. Not sure why, but doing better today! If you hadn’t read last week’s recap blog post about Microsoft’s Recall…

  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 3 – 7, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 3 – 7, 2024

    Hey all, happy Friday!! 🥳 While it’s been a rather short week for me, it’s been rather busy and kind of chaotic, especially today (Friday). It’s been like a freaking madhouse today. Can’t wait to put it behind me, that’s for sure! Two days this week I was attending a…

  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – May 28 – 31, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – May 28 – 31, 2024

    Happy Friday! It’s finally almost at the end of a short week, which always seem to last longer than an ordinary work week, wouldn’t you agree? Next week will be a VERY short week for me, as I will be attending the RVASec security conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. I…

  • SiS Bytes: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

    SiS Bytes: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

    It’s kind of funny: as I’m listening to today’s episode of Cyberwire Daily, the first story is exactly what I wanted to chat about in today’s post… Recall. No, I’m not talking about Total Recall. And, the GOOD one, not that one with Colin Farrell. I’m talking about Recall, that…

  • What’s the ‘Magic Word’?

    What’s the ‘Magic Word’?

    Ever hear about “credential reuse” or “credential stuffing”? This is exactly what it is. Cyber criminals constantly use techniques such as phishing emails to obtain your credentials to places like banking sites, social media, and so on. If you use “open sesame” to access each of these places, the criminals…

  • Be Wary of the QR Code: Redux

    Be Wary of the QR Code: Redux

    Back around the beginning of 2022, I wrote a blog post about how people should be very cautious and wary of the QR code. Go have a read if you missed it the first time around. In the months since, QR codes have exploded in popularity. You see them in…

  • Something Gave Me Pause This Morning, and I Just Had to Write About It

    Something Gave Me Pause This Morning, and I Just Had to Write About It

    Something occurred to me this morning, that never really had before. It made me think so much, that I just HAD to write something about it. I was listening to the latest episode of the #HackingHumans podcast with Dave Bittner and Joseph Carrigan on the way to work like everyone does (everyone DOES listen to it,…

  • Why Am I Interested in Security Awareness?

    Why Am I Interested in Security Awareness?

    FYI: I wrote and posted this on my LinkedIn profile on Jan. 29, 2023. I’m HORRIBLE at remembering to share my posts across social media consistently. I see it posted time and time again across various social media sites… Gatekeeping. Ever see/hear things like this before?  “If you want to…