Category: Security

  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 10 – 14, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 10 – 14, 2024

    Happy Friday, all! I hope you all had a good week. It’s been good for me for the most part, but I’ll admit that I was feeling a bit ‘meh’ yesterday. Not sure why, but doing better today! If you hadn’t read last week’s recap blog post about Microsoft’s Recall…

  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 3 – 7, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: June 3 – 7, 2024

    Hey all, happy Friday!! 🥳 While it’s been a rather short week for me, it’s been rather busy and kind of chaotic, especially today (Friday). It’s been like a freaking madhouse today. Can’t wait to put it behind me, that’s for sure! Two days this week I was attending a…

  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – May 28 – 31, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – May 28 – 31, 2024

    Happy Friday! It’s finally almost at the end of a short week, which always seem to last longer than an ordinary work week, wouldn’t you agree? Next week will be a VERY short week for me, as I will be attending the RVASec security conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. I…

  • What’s the ‘Magic Word’?

    What’s the ‘Magic Word’?

    Ever hear about “credential reuse” or “credential stuffing”? This is exactly what it is. Cyber criminals constantly use techniques such as phishing emails to obtain your credentials to places like banking sites, social media, and so on. If you use “open sesame” to access each of these places, the criminals…

  • Be Wary of the QR Code: Redux

    Be Wary of the QR Code: Redux

    Back around the beginning of 2022, I wrote a blog post about how people should be very cautious and wary of the QR code. Go have a read if you missed it the first time around. In the months since, QR codes have exploded in popularity. You see them in…

  • Redact, Redact, Redact!

    Redact, Redact, Redact!

    I’m back… Well, kind of. I’m still not entirely sure if I’m “back” or not. I’m still not in the best place, but I need to try and do something that maybe helps keep my mind off of just stewing over things constantly. While listening to the newest episode of…

  • Lock Your Screen!

    Lock Your Screen!

    I’m sure a lot of you out there at work sometimes walk away from your computer, and either forget (or don’t care) to lock your computer when stepping away. Don’t lie, I know you do. Yes, you. Over there. No, not you. YOU. ☺️ I’ll admit that even I’m guilty…

  • Forwarding Emails? Be Sure to Not Include Sensitive Info!

    Forwarding Emails? Be Sure to Not Include Sensitive Info!

    I had been meaning to write about this for a few days now. I’ve been trying to become someone who is more security-conscious, and to see everyday life with a different set of eyes. One day last week, this fell right into my lap, and before, I never would have…

  • Be Wary of the QR Code!

    Have you seen these before? You’ve probably seen them on social media, or in restaurants, markets, taped to the walls or on telephone poles, pretty much everywhere you go. Likely by now, you know the drill: whip out your smartphone, open up the camera app, and scan the code to…

  • Be EXTREMELY Careful About What You Share On Social Media

    I just came across this TikTok video in my LinkedIn feed, and it’s quite scary how simple this is. The person in the video used a PICTURE of a key to have a replica made. Most people tend to not be aware of just HOW MUCH information a smartphone can…