Category: Twenty Questions

  • 20Q – Fashion/Style Edition: Reagan in my Own World

    20Q – Fashion/Style Edition: Reagan in my Own World

    Hey all! Time for another edition of “twenty questions”! 😊 If you’re not familiar with how this works, I reach out to a blogger, content creator, business professional, etc. that reside within my realms of interest: fashion and style, and cybersecurity and InfoSec. I ask them twenty questions to get to…

  • 20Q – Fashion/Style Edition: Anna Connell

    20Q – Fashion/Style Edition: Anna Connell

    Hey all! Time for another edition of “twenty questions”! 😊 Yes, I shortened the title down a bit, because it was a lot to type out, and I want to be more quick and efficient. 😂 If you’re not familiar with how this works, I reach out to a blogger, content…

  • Twenty Questions: Cybersecurity/InfoSec Edition – Tricia Howard

    Twenty Questions: Cybersecurity/InfoSec Edition – Tricia Howard

    Hey all! Time for another edition of “twenty questions”, cybersecurity edition! If you’re not familiar with how this works, I reach out to a blogger, content creator, business professional, etc. that reside within my realms of interest: fashion and style, and cybersecurity and InfoSec. I ask them twenty questions to…

  • Twenty Questions: Fashion/Style Edition – Lisa Taylor of Prints and Pinots

    Twenty Questions: Fashion/Style Edition – Lisa Taylor of Prints and Pinots

    Hey all! Time for another edition of “twenty questions”! If you’re not familiar with how this works, I reach out to a blogger, content creator, business professional, etc. that reside within my realms of interest: fashion and style, and cybersecurity and InfoSec. I ask them twenty questions to get to…

  • Twenty Questions: Cybersecurity/InfoSec Edition – Catherine Demesa

    Twenty Questions: Cybersecurity/InfoSec Edition – Catherine Demesa

    Hey all! Time for another edition of “twenty questions”! Last time featured a fashion/style person, so I’m switching things up this time to feature a cybersecurity/InfoSec person. I have passions for both of these interests, so why not feature both, right? Right! 😊 If you’re not familiar with how this…

  • Twenty Questions: Fashion/Style Edition – Anna Larson

    Twenty Questions: Fashion/Style Edition – Anna Larson

    Hey all! 😊 I hadn’t forgotten about this. Life just happens to get in the way sometimes (or A LOT of times 😂)… For those who may not have known anything about this, back in early December (ish), I decided to resurrect an old series I ran on one of…