Style & Fashion Stuff

Here, you will find posts and recaps of my personal style, documenting what I wear to work each day. I’ll also post things related to fashion that piques my interest, and I wish to share with the world.

Latest Posts

  • Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: January 30 – February 3, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: January 30 – February 3, 2023

    OH. EM. GEE. I am SOOOOOOOO glad that it’s finally Friday. I don’t know about you, but this week can just go die a fiery, horrific death, and I’ll happily dance a jig on the ashes. Yep, I hated this week. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s not quite wine-o’clock yet. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH,,, Anyway, I can’t…

  • Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: January 23 – 27, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: January 23 – 27, 2023

    We are FINALLY at Friday! It’s been a rather busy and LOOOOOOOONG week. It’s also been rather drama-filled (thankfully, none involving or directed at me). I’m more than ready to get out of here! If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you probably have seen me complain about broken apps and completely hosing my workflow.…

  • Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: January 16 – 20, 2023

    Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: January 16 – 20, 2023

    We’ve made it to another weekend, everyone! We are in the home stretch! Normally, I like to take the weekend to kick back and relax. It’s how I recharge my batteries. However, I think this weekend I’m going to be looking into how to better use the Pixelmator app on my iPad so I can…