Style & Fashion Stuff

Here, you will find posts and recaps of my personal style, documenting what I wear to work each day. I’ll also post things related to fashion that piques my interest, and I wish to share with the world.

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  • Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: April 22 – 26, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: April 22 – 26, 2024

    Hey all, and happy Friday to each of you! 👋🏼 How was your week? Mine was a little all over the place: HOWEVER, in spite (despite? Same diff?) of that, I am in a relatively positive mood today. Why is that you might ask? No, it’s not because of Taylor’s new album, which I STILL…

  • Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: April 15 – 19, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: April 15 – 19, 2024

    Happy Friday! Geez o’ Pete, it’s so hard to focus on something when an earworm of a song comes on, and you just HAVE to listen to it. Oh, and happy TTPD day!! 🫶🏼🤍🥳 And NO, I have not yet listened to it. I’ve been at work all day, and it’s going to be hard…

  • Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: April 8 – 12, 2024

    Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: April 8 – 12, 2024

    Happy Friday!! Time for the weekend! 😁 I was feeling a bit ranty this morning, so if you’ll indulge me for a moment… It’s my blog, so I can rant if I want to… LOL A couple of things struck my nerves this morning… Okay, now that I’ve got it all out of my system…